Lets be real shopping for anyone for the holidays can be quite complicated and if you are anything like me can feel a lot more stressful than it need be. But when you have a pregnant wife or friend that you need to shop for it’s twice as complicated, this is because you are stuck in between do I buy something for you, or do I buy something for the baby lol (talk about stress level on high lol) But the only gift you really need to be getting them is a subscription to bump box. Its the perfect balance of gifts this mommy to be needs, and stuff she can use for both herself and baby after baby arrives. Finding out about bump box recently just made me think about how much life would have been a lot easier when I was pregnant it I had this service.
- For one its everything picked and sorted out for you right at her front door. With a monthly subscription with bump box, she will get at least 5 products hand picked for every month of her pregnancy. So instead of trying to give out what she needs or wants, bump box does the work for you! (Win- Win!!!)
- Bump box picks products that a pregnant woman actually needs, like I said earlier when shopping for pregnant women you can sometimes feel you need to focus on buying for the baby rather than the woman, but honestly having been there before I totally feel like we all tend to forget the mom when she is pregnant and she needs some care too which is why this is a perfect concept.
- The box is separated into each stage of her pregnancy, so you can properly gift her something that matches what trimester she is in.
- Its a one stop shop, nothing more annoying and stressful like having to crack your brain on what to get having to enter various stores or locations looking for the perfect gift. This subscription box makes it extremely easy and you don’t even have to lift a finger!

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